Wednesday, March 6, 2013

4 Paintings Part 4: "Sunflower"

This last one in the series is painted with layered imagery--showing a sunflower from three sides.
The sunflower that appears to be in the back is a sunflower viewed from behind, so you cannot see the seed head. Different parts of the flowers appear and disappear within each other.
I really wanted to imply movement---it's maybe something like a memory, where a clear cut perhaps more static image is assimilated, then creating a slightly more etheric sense of movement and energy.

Friday, March 1, 2013

4 Paintings Part 3: "Balance"

This was another painting with repeated imagery. In this one I really wanted to emphasize the negative spaces, and also really play with the push and pull of the darks and lights. I also chose to break up the lines here and there with a thin line or subtle smudge.
I was also very pleased with the shading of the figure and objects--and how they flatten out with the outlining.
This one is very interesting hanging different directions.
I would like to make four color prints and arrange them together on the wall in all four directions.

First, the way I painted it:

Sideways: Interestingly,sideways has a lot of implied movement.

Sideways this direction becomes almost totally abstracted:

Upside down: I think I like upside down as much as I like right right side up. Especially intriguing this direction.